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 Did US CENTCOM Feed Saudis Target Info to Bomb Russian Consulate in Yemen?

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Did US CENTCOM Feed Saudis Target Info to Bomb Russian Consulate in Yemen? Vide
PostSubject: Did US CENTCOM Feed Saudis Target Info to Bomb Russian Consulate in Yemen?   Did US CENTCOM Feed Saudis Target Info to Bomb Russian Consulate in Yemen? Icon_minitimeSat Apr 04, 2015 10:49 pm

Washington war planners are up to their old tricks again, this time in Yemen.

Saudi Arabia’s gallant airstrikes against mostly civilian and infrastructure targets (not rebels, as advertised) have also struck the Russian Consulate General in the southwestern Yemeni city of Aden.

When Saudi Arabia launched its war against Yemen on the week of March 23th, the US proudly announced that their hands were clean because they were only providing ‘satellite’ information, military intelligence which included targeting information to the Saudi air force. It’s fairly obvious then, that the target information for the Russian embassy was fed to the Saudis by the US CENTCOM.

Not surprisingly, just as the Saudis hit and mostly destroyed the Russian consulate yesterday the US then issued a swift U-turn on that previous statement, suddenly claiming, “We’re not providing them with targeting information.”

So it seems that the Saudis were duped by Washington. No surprise there, as Riyadh is still fairly new to this US-proxy air force arrangement.

Even when Washington is caught red-handed, they will still attempt to rewrite their previous statements to cover their obvious crimes.

Did US CENTCOM Feed Saudis Target Info to Bomb Russian Consulate in Yemen? Russia-Consulate-Yemen
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Did US CENTCOM Feed Saudis Target Info to Bomb Russian Consulate in Yemen?

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