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 Pigs are responsible: Boy falls 6 floors off New York roof during attempted arrest

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Pigs are responsible: Boy falls 6 floors off New York roof during attempted arrest Vide
PostSubject: Pigs are responsible: Boy falls 6 floors off New York roof during attempted arrest   Pigs are responsible: Boy falls 6 floors off New York roof during attempted arrest Icon_minitimeSat Apr 04, 2015 12:09 am

A teenage boy police were trying to arrest fell six stories off a building roof and was critically injured, and detectives from the Internal Affairs Bureau were investigating, police said Friday.

The 17-year-old boy was shuffling backward as two uniformed officers told him not to move Thursday night before he stepped over a 3-foot ledge, apparently believing it was connected to the neighboring rooftop, top New York Police Department spokesman Stephen Davis said. The boy, whose name wasn't released, fell down an air shaft.

A 14-year-old companion grabbed the boy's shirt as he fell but couldn't hold on, and the officers ran to the 14-year-old to keep him from falling also, Davis said.

"It appears that the kid misjudged the wall and where it led to," Davis said.

The teens were confronted by police after a man leaving the Bronx building complained that a group of teenagers was smoking marijuana in the lobby, Davis said.
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Pigs are responsible: Boy falls 6 floors off New York roof during attempted arrest Vide
PostSubject: Re: Pigs are responsible: Boy falls 6 floors off New York roof during attempted arrest   Pigs are responsible: Boy falls 6 floors off New York roof during attempted arrest Icon_minitimeSun Apr 05, 2015 2:55 am

Bronx Teenager Who Fell From Roof While Fleeing the Police Dies
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Pigs are responsible: Boy falls 6 floors off New York roof during attempted arrest

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