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 Extortionists can't even keep it simple: In effort to boost ticket revenue, LA deploys even more confusing parking signs

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Extortionists can't even keep it simple: In effort to boost ticket revenue, LA deploys even more confusing parking signs Vide
PostSubject: Extortionists can't even keep it simple: In effort to boost ticket revenue, LA deploys even more confusing parking signs   Extortionists can't even keep it simple: In effort to boost ticket revenue, LA deploys even more confusing parking signs Icon_minitimeSat Apr 04, 2015 10:46 pm

Do you like craps? Then you'll love Los Angeles' new parking signs!
Quote :
Councilman Paul Krekorian, who chairs the city's finance and budget committee, said the signs would have to be "insanely successful" at reducing tickets for the city to see an impact on parking citation revenue, which has grown from $110 million in 2003 to about $161 million last year.
The real problem is that the parking rules are too complicated. I propose that the city remove all parking signs. Instead, Parking Enforcement could roll a pair of D20s next to every parked car and issue tickets for snake eyes.

Extortionists can't even keep it simple: In effort to boost ticket revenue, LA deploys even more confusing parking signs Parking1Extortionists can't even keep it simple: In effort to boost ticket revenue, LA deploys even more confusing parking signs Craps
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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Extortionists can't even keep it simple: In effort to boost ticket revenue, LA deploys even more confusing parking signs Vide
PostSubject: Re: Extortionists can't even keep it simple: In effort to boost ticket revenue, LA deploys even more confusing parking signs   Extortionists can't even keep it simple: In effort to boost ticket revenue, LA deploys even more confusing parking signs Icon_minitimeSat Apr 04, 2015 10:48 pm

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Extortionists can't even keep it simple: In effort to boost ticket revenue, LA deploys even more confusing parking signs

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