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 Ever the destructive statists: Fleeing militants burn prized Timbuktu manuscripts

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Ever the destructive statists: Fleeing militants burn prized Timbuktu manuscripts Vide
PostSubject: Ever the destructive statists: Fleeing militants burn prized Timbuktu manuscripts   Ever the destructive statists: Fleeing militants burn prized Timbuktu manuscripts Icon_minitimeMon Jan 28, 2013 6:00 pm

Rebels in the historic Malian town of Timbuktu torched a library housing a collection of ancient manuscripts and other buildings as French and Malian forces closed in on one of their last strongholds, Timbuktu’s mayor said on Monday.

“They burned the Ahmed Baba Institute. It’s a catastrophe -- for Timbuktu and all humanity,” Timbuktu’s Mayor Halle Ousmane Cisse told dpa by telephone from Mali’s capital Bamako.

The news of the attack emerged as French and government forces took control of Timbuktu airport and other access points to the town.
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Ever the destructive statists: Fleeing militants burn prized Timbuktu manuscripts

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