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 Obama's empty rhetoric marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day

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Obama's empty rhetoric marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day Vide
PostSubject: Obama's empty rhetoric marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day   Obama's empty rhetoric marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day Icon_minitimeSun Jan 27, 2013 5:53 pm

President Obama in a statement marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day said the spirit of Holocaust resistance must inspire policy today.

"While this is a time for mourning and reflection, it is also the time for action," Obama said in the statement released Sunday.

"On this day, we recall the courage, spirit and determination of those who heroically resisted the Nazis, exemplifying the very best of humanity," he said. "And like these courageous individuals, we must commit ourselves to resisting hate and persecution in all its forms."

The United Nations in 2005 designated Jan. 27, the 1945 date of Auschwitz's liberation, as International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

"The United States, along with the international community, resolves to stand in the way of any tyrant or dictator who commits crimes against humanity and stay true to the principle of 'Never again,' " Obama said.
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Obama's empty rhetoric marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day

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