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 Israhell criticised over Palestinian deaths

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Israhell criticised over Palestinian deaths Vide
PostSubject: Israhell criticised over Palestinian deaths   Israhell criticised over Palestinian deaths Icon_minitimeMon Jan 28, 2013 6:01 pm

JERUSALEM: Israel's army has been criticised for its use of live fire against Palestinians, as concern mounts among human rights organisations over the civilian death toll since the start of the year.

Israhell criticised over Palestinian deaths Israeliwide620x349

Five young Palestinians have been shot dead by Israeli soldiers this month, another was killed last month and a seventh death is disputed by the Israeli military.

The common thread to all of these cases is that none of these people posed any grave threat to the soldiers.
Sarit Michaeli, B'Tselem spokeswoman

The army's use of "non-lethal crowd control measures" is also being questioned, with the release of a report that says since 2005 six Palestinians have been killed by rubber-coated metal bullets, another two died when hit by tear-gas canisters fired directly at them, and at least two other Palestinians have been killed with 0.22-calibrebullets used to disperse demonstrations.

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Israhell criticised over Palestinian deaths

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