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 Parler and the Problem of Escaping Internet Censorship

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Parler and the Problem of Escaping Internet Censorship Vide
PostSubject: Parler and the Problem of Escaping Internet Censorship   Parler and the Problem of Escaping Internet Censorship Icon_minitimeSun Jan 10, 2021 4:53 pm

Back when Parler was first taking off, I warned that its app-based dependency meant that two companies, Apple and Google, can eliminate it anytime they like.

Parler and the Problem of Escaping Internet Censorship Ad_apple_1984

It was only a matter of time.

The transition from desktops and laptops to Android and IOS devices mean that users are operating in a walled garden run by two very lefty companies. Those companies can do with the garden what they please. Those users who choose to jailbreak their devices have more options, but most don't. Conservatives can try to distribute the knowledge more widely and encourage that kind of self-empowerment. But the bottom line is most smartphone, Kindle, Chromebook, etc users want a simple device that just works and runs all the apps in the app store. Doing anything more complicated would be inconvenient.

People also tend to get their smartphones from one of the handful of remaining providers, e.g. the big three, AT&T, Verizon ,and T-Mobile. You may think you're not using one of those companies, but even then you're probably using one of their branded providers or a small company that's using their services.

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Parler and the Problem of Escaping Internet Censorship

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