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 The Great Purge Expands As CNN Sets Its Sights On Fox News’ Cable Providers

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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The Great Purge Expands As CNN Sets Its Sights On Fox News’ Cable Providers Vide
PostSubject: The Great Purge Expands As CNN Sets Its Sights On Fox News’ Cable Providers   The Great Purge Expands As CNN Sets Its Sights On Fox News’ Cable Providers Icon_minitimeSun Jan 10, 2021 4:50 pm

CNN: “the TV companies that beam [right media] into millions of homes around the country also bear some responsibility”

The ‘never let a crisis go to waste’ crew are busily turning Wednesday’s Capitol riot into their very own Reichstag fire, using it as the premise by which to ban President Trump across social media and now, apparently, to go after cable companies for being complicit in “spreading disinformation” by giving Fox News a platform.

The Great Purge Expands As CNN Sets Its Sights On Fox News’ Cable Providers Tucker-on-CNN-pressuring-cable-to-remove-Fox-News-620x407

Lest you be (justifiably) confused by the meaning of “disinformation,” remember that it does not include years of the media and Democrats lying about Russia, Russia, Russia, and it most certainly does not include wild-eyed claims that Trump is a Russian asset.  It also does not mean spreading fabulist nonsense about Trump’s response to the Wuhan coronavirus, and it definitely doesn’t mean constantly repeating proven falsehoods (Trump called all Mexicans “rapists,” Trump called actual neo-Nazis “very fine people,” and on and on.).

“Disinformation” means only one thing: anything that does not fit the Democrat narrative.  The narrative changes with some frequency, so yesterday’s “fact,” may well be today’s “disinformation.”

To sort it out, just keep in mind that a lie—an absolute provable, demonstrable lie—told by anyone on the left is deemed “truth,” and the actual truth, backed up by facts, if told by anyone on the right is “disinformation,” as is any opinion, policy position, or ideology that veers from the accepted leftist stance.

The left has declared a war on “disinformation,” and that war only starts with Trump’s social media.  The next target is Fox News . . . via cable service providers.

orwellian perpevil boycott
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