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 The Coming War on China: Pilger says US is real threat in the Pacific, not China

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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The Coming War on China: Pilger says US is real threat in the Pacific, not China Vide
PostSubject: The Coming War on China: Pilger says US is real threat in the Pacific, not China   The Coming War on China: Pilger says US is real threat in the Pacific, not China Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2017 8:14 pm

The greatest threat to world peace may well be the military build-up in the South Pacific – but it's not China we should fear, it's the United States.

The Coming War on China: Pilger says US is real threat in the Pacific, not China 1486682423756

That, at least, is the thesis of The Coming War on China, the latest polemic from the award-winning documentary-maker John Pilger.
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The Coming War on China: Pilger says US is real threat in the Pacific, not China

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