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 Evils of Government: Paraguay gives remains of military dictatorship victims to families

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Evils of Government: Paraguay gives remains of military dictatorship victims to families Vide
PostSubject: Evils of Government: Paraguay gives remains of military dictatorship victims to families   Evils of Government: Paraguay gives remains of military dictatorship victims to families Icon_minitimeFri Feb 10, 2017 7:34 pm

The remains of four people killed during Paraguay's 1954-1989 military dictatorship were given to their families on Friday in an emotional ceremony that was the first of its kind.

The victims' remains are the only ones identified to date among about 400 people who were executed and 19,000 tortured under the rule of Alfredo Stroessner, according to Paraguay's Truth and Justice Commission, established in 2003.
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Evils of Government: Paraguay gives remains of military dictatorship victims to families

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