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 Idiots: New survey shows a lot of millennials like socialism, think Bush killed more people than Stalin

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Idiots: New survey shows a lot of millennials like socialism, think Bush killed more people than Stalin Vide
PostSubject: Idiots: New survey shows a lot of millennials like socialism, think Bush killed more people than Stalin   Idiots: New survey shows a lot of millennials like socialism, think Bush killed more people than Stalin Icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 7:42 pm

As recent Nobel Prize winner Bob Dylan once wrote, “times, they are a-changin’.”

Idiots: New survey shows a lot of millennials like socialism, think Bush killed more people than Stalin GettyImages-610108204-620x392

According to a new study by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, there is a wide schism between millennials and older Americans when it comes perspectives on communism, socialism and the number of deaths that occurred under President George W. Bush’s administration.

In the minds of 80 percent of baby boomers and 91 percent of elderly Americans, communism was a major problem in years past and remains a significant concern today. But millennials, aged 16 to 20 years, see it differently. Only 55 percent of the younger generation take issue with communism, 45 percent say they would vote for a socialist and 21 percent say they’d vote for a communist.
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Idiots: New survey shows a lot of millennials like socialism, think Bush killed more people than Stalin

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