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 Statist idiots: Federal Gov’t Pays $700,000 To Analyze What Food Is Mentioned On Twitter -- Beer & Coffee

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Statist idiots: Federal Gov’t Pays $700,000 To Analyze What Food Is Mentioned On Twitter -- Beer & Coffee Vide
PostSubject: Statist idiots: Federal Gov’t Pays $700,000 To Analyze What Food Is Mentioned On Twitter -- Beer & Coffee   Statist idiots: Federal Gov’t Pays $700,000 To Analyze What Food Is Mentioned On Twitter -- Beer & Coffee Icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 12:48 am

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) gave researchers more than half a million dollars to study mentions of food on social media sites in an effort to track how Americans feel about food.
NIH gave a team of researchers at the University of Utah $721,825 to develop “HashtagHealth,” a database of publicly available social media posts about food researchers say will make public health surveys far easier.
The research team collected 80 million tweets from 603,363 unique users between April 2015 and March 2016. Analyzing that data, the team determined that coffee and beer are the most frequently mentioned food items on the social media site, the researchers wrote in a study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research – Public Health Monday.

Statist idiots: Federal Gov’t Pays $700,000 To Analyze What Food Is Mentioned On Twitter -- Beer & Coffee HutoU8
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Statist idiots: Federal Gov’t Pays $700,000 To Analyze What Food Is Mentioned On Twitter -- Beer & Coffee

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