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 Statist Idiot: Bill Clinton Blames Capitalism, Not NAFTA, for Jobs Going to Mexico

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Statist Idiot: Bill Clinton Blames Capitalism, Not NAFTA, for Jobs Going to Mexico Vide
PostSubject: Statist Idiot: Bill Clinton Blames Capitalism, Not NAFTA, for Jobs Going to Mexico   Statist Idiot: Bill Clinton Blames Capitalism, Not NAFTA, for Jobs Going to Mexico Icon_minitimeThu Oct 06, 2016 3:35 am

Former presidential Bill Clinton wants to blame capitalism, not NAFTA, for the Carrier air conditioning company choosing to close two plants in Indiana and move them to Mexico.

Statist Idiot: Bill Clinton Blames Capitalism, Not NAFTA, for Jobs Going to Mexico GettyImages-51606882-640x480

Clinton argued that The North American Free Trade Agreement that he signed was not the reason why so many jobs were going to Mexico.
“It’s not what was going on at all,” he said, saying the companies were making high profits but were forced to move to Mexico by company shareholders.
“This is classic what’s wrong with America today,” he said, calling it “quarterly capitalism” letting “the finance tail wagging the economic dog.”
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Statist Idiot: Bill Clinton Blames Capitalism, Not NAFTA, for Jobs Going to Mexico

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