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 Idiots: Google promotes controversial claim it’s NOT possible for ethnic minorities to be racist against white people

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Idiots: Google promotes controversial claim it’s NOT possible for ethnic minorities to be racist against white people Vide
PostSubject: Idiots: Google promotes controversial claim it’s NOT possible for ethnic minorities to be racist against white people   Idiots: Google promotes controversial claim it’s NOT possible for ethnic minorities to be racist against white people Icon_minitimeWed Oct 05, 2016 7:09 pm

Tech giant foregrounds idea that white people cannot be victims of racism in search results

Idiots: Google promotes controversial claim it’s NOT possible for ethnic minorities to be racist against white people Nintchdbpict000233775117

The tech giant’s search results appear to foreground left-leaning answers to this highly controversial question, rather than giving a view which reflects the fact there is debate over this contentious issue.

America is currently locked in a passionate argument about whether some supporters of groups like Black Lives Matter are actually racist towards white people, with people from different sides of the political spectrum offering varying views.

However, Google’s search facility offers a rather one-sided solution to this thorny and divisive question.

We searched Google using several terms similar to the phrase: “Can you be racist towards white people?”
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Idiots: Google promotes controversial claim it’s NOT possible for ethnic minorities to be racist against white people

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