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 Idiot: NZ mayoral candidate calls for classrooms to teach importance of democracy in light of low turnout

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Idiot: NZ mayoral candidate calls for classrooms to teach importance of democracy in light of low turnout  Vide
PostSubject: Idiot: NZ mayoral candidate calls for classrooms to teach importance of democracy in light of low turnout    Idiot: NZ mayoral candidate calls for classrooms to teach importance of democracy in light of low turnout  Icon_minitimeTue Oct 04, 2016 6:55 pm

Young people should be taught in school about the importance of local politics in order to curb dismal voter turnout, a mayoral candidate says.

Idiot: NZ mayoral candidate calls for classrooms to teach importance of democracy in light of low turnout  J9SHsP

The call for democracy training in schools comes from New Plymouth mayoral candidate Richard Handley on the back of the announcement the district is heading for an all time low voter turnout.

"We cannot continue to ignore our responsibility," Handley, who is the former chief executive of Taranaki's polytech, said.

"There needs to be some basic tuition and understanding of democracy and the responsibility we have. This should be incorporated into the school curriculum.

"It's about civic responsibility. If you are going to be a mature adult in this society, in this democracy, then you have some responsibilities, and one that must not be overlooked is to vote."
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Idiot: NZ mayoral candidate calls for classrooms to teach importance of democracy in light of low turnout

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