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 Statist idiots: OZschwitz government department declares war on onesies

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Statist idiots: OZschwitz government department declares war on onesies Vide
PostSubject: Statist idiots: OZschwitz government department declares war on onesies   Statist idiots: OZschwitz government department declares war on onesies Icon_minitimeWed May 27, 2015 3:40 am

Forget ‘boat people’ - the Immigration Department is now cracking down on ‘boot people’, ugg boot people to be precise.

Statist idiots: OZschwitz government department declares war on onesies D4e07c20-02a1-11e5-8730-dbcccf0b906d_uggs-600

Senate hearings can sometimes be a bit dry for the average punter – from talk of unregulated fishing to political fundraisers – so you know things are getting exciting when talk turns to the divisive ‘onesie’.

A senate budget estimates hearing today heard that the Department of Immigration was introducing a new dress code to combat the infiltration of ugg boots and 'onesies' in the workplace.

Jan Dorrington, a representative from the Department of Immigration, explained that inappropriate clothing was seeping in to Canberra's public servant fashion scene.
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Statist idiots: OZschwitz government department declares war on onesies

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