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 More statist idiots from OZschwitz: City Councilor ejected from City Council for the 40th time

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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More statist idiots from OZschwitz: City Councilor ejected from City Council for the 40th time Vide
PostSubject: More statist idiots from OZschwitz: City Councilor ejected from City Council for the 40th time   More statist idiots from OZschwitz: City Councilor ejected from City Council for the 40th time Icon_minitimeWed May 27, 2015 3:41 am

Outspoken councillor Nicole Johnston has been ejected from the Brisbane City Hall chambers for what is believed to be the 40th time in her career.

More statist idiots from OZschwitz: City Councilor ejected from City Council for the 40th time 1432694472300

The independent Tennyson councillor was suspended on Tuesday night during a heated debate over a planning issue.

Acting Chairman Angela Owen-Taylor ordered Cr Johnston out of the chamber for calling veteran LNP councillor Geraldine Knapp "a liar".

She then turned on Cr Owen-Taylor and began shouting.
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More statist idiots from OZschwitz: City Councilor ejected from City Council for the 40th time

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