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 More statist idiots: OZschwitz urged to send military to counter China's control over sea lanes

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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More statist idiots: OZschwitz urged to send military to counter China's control over sea lanes Vide
PostSubject: More statist idiots: OZschwitz urged to send military to counter China's control over sea lanes   More statist idiots: OZschwitz urged to send military to counter China's control over sea lanes Icon_minitimeSat May 16, 2015 12:50 am

Australia should prepare to send military aircraft and ships to the South China Sea to stop China from asserting territorial control across some of the world's most important trading lanes, says a leading defence planner.

More statist idiots: OZschwitz urged to send military to counter China's control over sea lanes 1431723436926

The recommendation by Peter Jennings, who chairs the Abbott government's advisory panel for drafting the upcoming Defence white paper, followed vehement denials by both Canberra and Washington that the US plans to put long-range bombers in Australia to deter China.

Those denials came in response to a remark by a top Pentagon official David Shear that "we will be placing additional air force assets in Australia as well, including B-1 bombers and surveillance aircraft", though the denials from both sides left the door open to an increased military presence in Australian in future.
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More statist idiots: OZschwitz urged to send military to counter China's control over sea lanes

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