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 Statist idiot: UK needs 'nanny state' on food: Oliver

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Statist idiot: UK needs 'nanny state' on food: Oliver  Vide
PostSubject: Statist idiot: UK needs 'nanny state' on food: Oliver    Statist idiot: UK needs 'nanny state' on food: Oliver  Icon_minitimeSat May 16, 2015 12:49 am

Britain should be a "nanny state" about food to ensure children are healthy, according to Jamie Oliver.

Statist idiot: UK needs 'nanny state' on food: Oliver  20150515_oliver_1280x720-1albqkd.jpg?x=656&sig=gfiboxToxNA6IR09.s

The celebrity chef said the nation has come a long way, but diet-related diseases are still a major concern and healthy eating, especially for youngsters, is a public health issue.

Speaking on his annual Food Revolution Day, he made a fresh call for a 20 per cent tax on sugary drinks and warned that parents should find it uncomfortable that the UK is the unhealthiest country in Europe, with children likely to live a shorter life than their mothers and fathers.

As part of Food Revolution Day, Oliver is leading a campaign for all G20 nations - which include the UK - to make practical food education a compulsory part of the school curriculum.
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Statist idiot: UK needs 'nanny state' on food: Oliver

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