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 Great: Gun law prompting Pennsylvania towns to change ordinances

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Great: Gun law prompting Pennsylvania towns to change ordinances Vide
PostSubject: Great: Gun law prompting Pennsylvania towns to change ordinances   Great: Gun law prompting Pennsylvania towns to change ordinances Icon_minitimeSun Jan 11, 2015 11:42 pm

Barely a week after taking effect, a novel state law that makes it easier for gun-rights groups to challenge local firearms measures in court is already sparking change: Nearly two dozen Pennsylvania municipalities have agreed to get rid of their potentially problematic ordinances rather than face litigation.
Joshua Prince, an attorney for four pro-gun groups and several residents, cited the new law in putting nearly 100 Pennsylvania municipalities on notice that they would face legal action unless they rescinded their firearms laws.
At least 22 of those municipalities have already repealed them, or indicated they planned to do so, according to Prince, who specializes in firearms law and is based in southeastern Pennsylvania.

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