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 LOL, French poLice commissioner whacks himself after meeting relatives of Charlie Hebdo victim

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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LOL, French poLice commissioner whacks himself after meeting relatives of Charlie Hebdo victim   Vide
PostSubject: LOL, French poLice commissioner whacks himself after meeting relatives of Charlie Hebdo victim    LOL, French poLice commissioner whacks himself after meeting relatives of Charlie Hebdo victim   Icon_minitimeMon Jan 12, 2015 3:48 pm

A French police commissioner has reportedly taken his own life after meeting the relatives of a victim murdered in the Charlie Hebdo massacre.

LOL, French poLice commissioner whacks himself after meeting relatives of Charlie Hebdo victim   24A3B76500000578-2906808-Death_Helric_Fredou_is_said_to_have_been_depressed_when_he_shot_-m-1_1421087054375

Helric Fredou, 45, shot himself in his office with his police-issue gun on Wednesday night in Limoges, a city in central France, according to France 3.

Commissioner Fredou began his career as a police office in 1997 and had been the deputy director of the regional police since 2012.

Colleagues told France 3 he was 'depressed' and overworked, and said he was single and had no children.

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LOL, French poLice commissioner whacks himself after meeting relatives of Charlie Hebdo victim

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