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 Attn all West African Ancaps: US official says ebola epidemic will worsen

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Attn all West African Ancaps: US official says ebola epidemic will worsen Vide
PostSubject: Attn all West African Ancaps: US official says ebola epidemic will worsen   Attn all West African Ancaps: US official says ebola epidemic will worsen Icon_minitimeWed Aug 27, 2014 11:16 pm

The Ebola outbreak in West Africa is going to get worse before it gets better, according to the top US public health official.

Attn all West African Ancaps: US official says ebola epidemic will worsen _77206978_77206973

Tom Frieden, the director of the Centers for Disease Control, said the epidemic would need an "unprecedented" response to bring it under control.

Health ministers from across West Africa are due to meet in Ghana to discuss the growing crisis.

The World Health Organization says the outbreak has killed 1,427 people.

The health body says it is the largest ever Ebola epidemic and has infected an estimated 2,615 people.
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Attn all West African Ancaps: US official says ebola epidemic will worsen

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