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 Conformist social media sheeple shy from controversy

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Conformist social media sheeple shy from controversy Vide
PostSubject: Conformist social media sheeple shy from controversy   Conformist social media sheeple shy from controversy Icon_minitimeThu Aug 28, 2014 9:25 pm

People who use Facebook and Twitter are less likely than others to share their opinions on hot-button issues, even when they are offline, according to a surprising new survey.

Conformist social media sheeple shy from controversy 1409265365870

The US study, conducted by the  Pew Research Center and Rutgers University in New Jersey, challenges the view of social media as a vehicle for debate by suggesting that sites like Facebook and Twitter might actually encourage self-censorship. Researchers said they detect what they call the "spiral of silence" phenomenon: Unless people know their audience agrees, they are likely to shy away from discussing anything controversial.

In other words, most of us are more comfortable with ice-bucket challenges than political banter.

"People do not tend to be using social media for this type of important political discussion. And if anything, it may actually be removing conversation from the public sphere," said Keith Hampton, a communications professor at Rutgers University who helped conduct the study.
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Conformist social media sheeple shy from controversy

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