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 Nice one: OZschwitz lawyer to face court after being charged with dealing 'ice', GHB

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
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Nice one: OZschwitz lawyer to face court after being charged with dealing 'ice', GHB Vide
PostSubject: Nice one: OZschwitz lawyer to face court after being charged with dealing 'ice', GHB   Nice one: OZschwitz lawyer to face court after being charged with dealing 'ice', GHB Icon_minitimeFri Aug 22, 2014 4:29 am

A Sydney lawyer has been charged with dealing the drugs "ice" and GHB, as well as dealing in the proceeds of crime.

Nice one: OZschwitz lawyer to face court after being charged with dealing 'ice', GHB 1408626266407.jpg-620x349

Police say they arrested the 34-year-old man on Thursday at an office in Martin Place in Sydney's CBD.

The solicitor is expected to appear in court on Friday morning where he will also face charges of resisting arrest and possessing a prohibited weapon.
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Nice one: OZschwitz lawyer to face court after being charged with dealing 'ice', GHB

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