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 Great: UN agency in High Court challenge to OZschwitz government's treatment of asylum seekers

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Great: UN agency in High Court challenge to OZschwitz government's treatment of asylum seekers Vide
PostSubject: Great: UN agency in High Court challenge to OZschwitz government's treatment of asylum seekers   Great: UN agency in High Court challenge to OZschwitz government's treatment of asylum seekers Icon_minitimeFri Aug 22, 2014 4:26 am

The United Nations refugee agency will seek to appear in a High Court challenge to the Abbott government's power to intercept boats on the highs seas, hold asylum seekers indefinitely on customs vessels and seek to return them to third countries.

Great: UN agency in High Court challenge to OZschwitz government's treatment of asylum seekers 1408586492153.jpg-620x349

The full court will hear the challenge in October and rule on the legality of the government's recent treatment of 157 Tamil asylum seekers who were held in windowless rooms on a customs vessel for almost a month before their transfer to Australia and then Nauru.

The UNHCR is planning to apply to appear in the case not as a litigant, but to assist the court on points of international law. It will be the first time the agency has sought such leave since 2006.

A lawyer representing the asylum seekers, George Newhouse, said on Thursday the case would test the power of the government "to intercept a boat on the high seas, hold the passengers virtually as prisoners for a month and then attempt to send them back to another country".
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Great: UN agency in High Court challenge to OZschwitz government's treatment of asylum seekers

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