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 Excellent: Earl Blumenauer says GOP assaults wrecking IRS

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Excellent: Earl Blumenauer says GOP assaults wrecking IRS Vide
PostSubject: Excellent: Earl Blumenauer says GOP assaults wrecking IRS   Excellent: Earl Blumenauer says GOP assaults wrecking IRS Icon_minitimeFri Jun 20, 2014 9:37 pm

Oregon Rep. Earl Blumenauer joined in the verbal histrionics Friday as IRS Commissioner John Koskinen was hauled up to Capitol Hill to explain why the agency has lost thousands of emails sought by investigators.

While Koskinen was angrily berated by Republican lawmakers who questioned his integrity, Blumenauer got his own share of the spotlight by fervently defending a tax agency he charged is under constant assault from the GOP.

"It is now the dicta of the Republican Party to assault the IRS at every turn and undercut its ability to function," thundered Blumenauer, arguing that the worst came when Republicans forced a two-week government shutdown last fall.

"What did we do in the government shutdown?" Blumenauer asked rhetorically. "What business furloughs its account receivables department? Not one that stays in business very long."

The House Ways and Means Committee is looking into the missing emails involving seven employees at the center of the investigation into charges that the agency mistreated conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status.

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Excellent: Earl Blumenauer says GOP assaults wrecking IRS

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