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 Obama approval rating low point

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Obama approval rating low point Vide
PostSubject: Obama approval rating low point   Obama approval rating low point Icon_minitimeThu Jun 19, 2014 11:11 pm

President Barack Obama’s approval rating is tied for the lowest mark since the beginning of his presidency, a new poll says.

Obama approval rating low point 140617_barack_obama_gty_328

According to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, 41 percent of respondents approve of Obama’s performance as president, tied for the lowest point in his presidency. His approval rating on foreign policy sits at 37 percent, setting a new low.
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The survey comes after the president has faced backlash on some major foreign policy issues, including the prisoner exchange that released five Taliban prisoners to free Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl and the recent sectarian violence in Iraq, where the U.S. withdrew in 2011.

A majority of voters — 54 percent — also said that they don’t believe Obama “is able to lead the country and get the job done,” compared with 42 percent who said they think he can.
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Obama approval rating low point

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