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 The secret of Olga Kotelko's success

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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The secret of Olga Kotelko's success Vide
PostSubject: The secret of Olga Kotelko's success   The secret of Olga Kotelko's success Icon_minitimeTue Feb 11, 2014 5:33 pm

No one would mistake Olga Kotelko for one of the Olympians competing in Sochi, Russia, but at age 94, she holds more world records than most: 26, to be exact, including age-group bests in the high jump, the hammer throw and the 200-metre run. Not bad for someone who took up track and field at age 77.

The secret of Olga Kotelko's success Art-olga-300x0

Bruce Grierson met Kotelko in 2010 and swiftly became obsessed. His interest was personal. The title of his previous book, "U-Turn: What If You Woke Up One Morning and Realised You Were Living the Wrong Life?," might also describe his mindset at the time. He was 47 and had abruptly realised that he could no longer see his feet beneath his growing potbelly. His stamina, drive, memory, even the hair on his head, were disappearing, too.

"Whatever was happening with her," he writes in the prologue of his latest book ("What Makes Olga Run?"), "was the opposite of what was happening to me." If he could identify the reasons she was ageing so well, perhaps he could reset his own course.

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The secret of Olga Kotelko's success

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