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 Disgruntled worker who is ‘not a female or a male’ sues for $518,682 over PRONOUNS

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Disgruntled worker who is ‘not a female or a male’ sues for $518,682 over PRONOUNS Vide
PostSubject: Disgruntled worker who is ‘not a female or a male’ sues for $518,682 over PRONOUNS   Disgruntled worker who is ‘not a female or a male’ sues for $518,682 over PRONOUNS Icon_minitimeWed Feb 12, 2014 3:58 pm

A person in Oregon named Valeria Jones is suing catering company Bon Appétit Management for $518,682 because coworkers used female names in reference to Jones despite the fact that Jones had continually expressed the desire to be addressed only with gender neutral pronouns.

Disgruntled worker who is ‘not a female or a male’ sues for $518,682 over PRONOUNS Gender-symbol-Getty-Images

Some of the terms the coworkers called Jones included, for example, “little lady,” “lady” and “miss,” reports The Oregonian. The coworkers said Jones looked like a woman—possibly some unidentified female celebrity.

Jones was unhappy, explaining that pronouns which apply to everyone do not apply to Jones and are “unwelcome” because Jones is “not a female or a male.”

Before ultimately quitting the job, Jones asked supervisors to present information to every other employee about various gender identity issues. The suit says supervisors chose not to make such a presentation.

“Plaintiff cried regularly at work and at home during this time,” Jones’s $518,682 suit declares.

Jones began working for Bon Appétit in March 2013 and then resigned at some unspecified later date.

When filling out a job application, the prospective employee left the binary boxes about being either male or female blank — apparently intentionally — and staffers at Bon Appétit Management Co. never mentioned it.

The genitalia Jones possesses, if any, is unclear.

Also unclear is which gender pronouns the special and unique litigant sought to be called.
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Disgruntled worker who is ‘not a female or a male’ sues for $518,682 over PRONOUNS Vide
PostSubject: Re: Disgruntled worker who is ‘not a female or a male’ sues for $518,682 over PRONOUNS   Disgruntled worker who is ‘not a female or a male’ sues for $518,682 over PRONOUNS Icon_minitimeWed Feb 12, 2014 4:51 pm

Shouldn't this cunt be under 'idiots?'

Disgruntled worker who is ‘not a female or a male’ sues for $518,682 over PRONOUNS Cunt-mug

Never mind...
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Disgruntled worker who is ‘not a female or a male’ sues for $518,682 over PRONOUNS

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