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 Innocent Maine Zumba instructor coerced and bribed into admitting prostitution charges

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Innocent Maine Zumba instructor coerced and bribed into admitting prostitution charges Vide
PostSubject: Innocent Maine Zumba instructor coerced and bribed into admitting prostitution charges   Innocent Maine Zumba instructor coerced and bribed into admitting prostitution charges Icon_minitimeFri Mar 29, 2013 6:27 pm

A Maine fitness instructor pleaded guilty Friday to running a one-woman prostitution business from her Zumba studio.

In plea bargain that avoids a media-saturated trial, Alexis Wright, 30, pleaded guilty to 20 counts, including three tax-related felonies that were reduced to misdemeanors. Prosecutors said they would recommend a jail term of 10 months.

She had been charged with 106 counts, which included felony charges of theft by deception and evasion of income tax. Those charges carried penalties of up to 10 years in prison and $20,000 in fines. The prostitution charges\ were misdemeanors.

Wright was accused of conspiring with insurance agent Mark Strong Sr., 57. She kept detailed records and videos of her sex acts with customers. On Valentine's Day 2012, police raided her studio in Kennebunk, Maine, and her home in nearby Wells.

Strong was convicted of 13 misdemeanor counts of promoting prostitution and sentenced to 20 days in jail.
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Innocent Maine Zumba instructor coerced and bribed into admitting prostitution charges

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