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 OZschwiz Prisons failing, warn judges

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwiz Prisons failing, warn judges Vide
PostSubject: OZschwiz Prisons failing, warn judges   OZschwiz Prisons failing, warn judges Icon_minitimeSat Mar 30, 2013 9:48 pm

The prison system is failing society by making young offenders more anti-social and increasingly likely to commit violent crimes after their release, the head of the Victorian Court of Appeal has warned.

OZschwiz Prisons failing, warn judges Art353goldingjudges3103

Calls made four decades ago to reform the system and encourage rehabilitation had not been heeded, three judges said after hearing an appeal against the sentence of a youth with a long history of violence, who had been in and out of the juvenile justice system when he committed an unprovoked knife attack in 2011.

''The community would still ask today why the prison system has to be so antisocial in operation, why it cannot be improved so that people for whom there is a prospect of reformation are given a real opportunity for self-improvement,'' said Court of Appeal president Chris Maxwell and Justices Marcia Neave and Stephen Kaye. ''Time and again courts are told that correctional authorities are simply not adequately resourced to provide the sorts of facilities which are essential if those in prison - many of whom have very serious psychological and behavioural problems - are to be meaningfully rehabilitated and assisted so that, when they are released, they will have some real prospect of reintegration into the community.''

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