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 Russia’s Putin tells army to shape up for foreign threat

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Russia’s Putin tells army to shape up for foreign threat Vide
PostSubject: Russia’s Putin tells army to shape up for foreign threat   Russia’s Putin tells army to shape up for foreign threat Icon_minitimeFri Mar 01, 2013 4:47 am

Putin ordered military leaders on Wednesday to make urgent improvements to the armed forces during his new presidential term, saying Russia must thwart attempts by the West to tip the strategic balance of power.

Putin’s remarks, to rows of uniformed officers and defense officials, reflected increasing hawkishness since he returned to the Kremlin for a six-year term last May, and a growing readiness to cite foreign threats and use anti-Western rhetoric to rally support.

“Attempts are being made to tip the strategic balance,” said Putin, who as president is commander-in-chief of the armed forces, told his audience at the General Staff academy on Moscow’s outskirts. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, sat in the front row.
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Russia’s Putin tells army to shape up for foreign threat

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