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 Military ignored harm to citizens, says Manning

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Military ignored harm to citizens, says Manning Vide
PostSubject: Military ignored harm to citizens, says Manning   Military ignored harm to citizens, says Manning Icon_minitimeSat Mar 02, 2013 3:04 am

FORT MEADE: Bradley Manning has confessed in court to providing vast archives of military and diplomatic files to the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks, saying he had wanted the information to become public ''to make the world a better place''.

Military ignored harm to citizens, says Manning Mtmanning20130301091526

Appearing before a military judge for more than an hour on Thursday, Private Manning read a statement recounting how he joined the military, became an intelligence analyst in Iraq, decided that certain documents should become known to the American public to prompt a wider debate about the Iraq War, and ultimately uploaded them to WikiLeaks.

I believed if the public had access to the information in the reports, this could spark a debate about foreign policy in relation to Iraq and Afghanistan.

''No one associated with WLO'' - an abbreviation he used to refer to the WikiLeaks organisation - ''pressured me into sending any more information,'' Private Manning said. ''I take full responsibility.''

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Military ignored harm to citizens, says Manning

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