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 15 year-old girl's teeth knocked out by police: No apology yet

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

15 year-old girl's teeth knocked out by police: No apology yet  Vide
PostSubject: 15 year-old girl's teeth knocked out by police: No apology yet    15 year-old girl's teeth knocked out by police: No apology yet  Icon_minitimeTue Feb 12, 2013 3:07 am

Police will not consider apologising to a 15-year-old girl allegedly pushed by an officer at an out of control Auckland party, until an investigation is complete.

15 year-old girl's teeth knocked out by police: No apology yet  8294133

15 year-old girl's teeth knocked out by police: No apology yet  35505431139780293925209

A photo of Ella Mere Eketone was posted to Facebook by Anna Gardiner showing Eketone with a bleeding face and lip (warning this image is graphic) after a party in Howick on Saturday night.

"Her front teeth got knocked out and she spent the night in Middlemore Hospital with a drip in her arm," she wrote on the page.

"What gives police the right to do this to an innocent teenage girl? Yes teenagers playup and get out of control at parties, we all know this but what gives the cops the right to enforce such violent actions on someone that wasn't doing anything wrong?"

Ella told ONE News she was shoved several times.

The second time she tripped and fell on her face.

‘‘I put my hand up to my mouth and my teeth were gone,’’ she said.

‘‘I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.’’

Her mother Nicola Healey said it was the worst night of her life and questioned whether the officers responsible should still have jobs, ONE News reported.

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15 year-old girl's teeth knocked out by police: No apology yet

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