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 Suicide in Israhell's solitary confinement with government going to extreme lengths to suppress the story

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Suicide in Israhell's solitary confinement with government going to extreme lengths to suppress the story Vide
PostSubject: Suicide in Israhell's solitary confinement with government going to extreme lengths to suppress the story   Suicide in Israhell's solitary confinement with government going to extreme lengths to suppress the story Icon_minitimeTue Feb 12, 2013 8:56 pm

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is under pressure to answer questions over allegations that an Australian citizen committed suicide while being held in solitary confinement in the country's highest-security prison.

Suicide in Israhell's solitary confinement with government going to extreme lengths to suppress the story Artnetanyahu620x349

The man known as “Prisoner X" was held in conditions of such strict secrecy in Israel's Ayalon Prison that not even the jail's staff knew his name or the crime he was alleged to have committed, the ABC's Foreign Correspondent program said on Tuesday.

It named “Prisoner X” as 34-year-old Ben Zygier and said it appeared the former Melbourne man had been recruited by the Israeli spy agency Mossad before his disappearance in early 2010. He had moved to Israel 10 years before that, changing his name to Ben Alon and marrying a local woman with whom he had two children, the program said.

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Suicide in Israhell's solitary confinement with government going to extreme lengths to suppress the story

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