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 OZschwitz gulag: Just another disgraceful statist chapter in the sorry saga of the Croatian Six

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz gulag: Just another disgraceful statist chapter in the sorry saga of the Croatian Six Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz gulag: Just another disgraceful statist chapter in the sorry saga of the Croatian Six   OZschwitz gulag: Just another disgraceful statist chapter in the sorry saga of the Croatian Six Icon_minitimeSun Feb 10, 2013 7:36 pm

A NSW Supreme Court judge has just set a dubious precedent - by citing the disgraced former police officer Roger Rogerson on the practical difficulties of ''loading up'' a suspect with incriminating evidence such as guns and explosives.

Acting Justice Graham Barr accepts Rogerson's argument why it would have been difficult during the 1979 raids that led to six Croatian-Australian tradesmen being jailed for 15 years for terrorism.

In the NSW legal establishment's latest review of the ''Croatian Six'' case, Barr joins a long line of judges and state legal counsel who refuse to doubt evidence from Rogerson and colleagues that they found explosives in the homes of the accused, that each then volunteered confessions at the Criminal Investigation Bureau office, in the absence of lawyers or signatures.

Another pillar of the case is already demolished - testimony by an alleged seventh conspirator, Vico Virkez, who became the chief crown witness. In 1991, Chris Masters of ABC-TV's Four Corners program had Virkez, by then back in a Serbian region of Yugoslavia, admit on camera he'd set up the Croatian Six in cahoots with Yugoslav officials.

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OZschwitz gulag: Just another disgraceful statist chapter in the sorry saga of the Croatian Six

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