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 Egypt’s Government Apologizes After a Beating Is Televised

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Egypt’s Government Apologizes After a Beating Is Televised Vide
PostSubject: Egypt’s Government Apologizes After a Beating Is Televised   Egypt’s Government Apologizes After a Beating Is Televised Icon_minitimeSat Feb 02, 2013 7:02 pm

Egypt’s Interior Ministry issued a rare apology on Saturday, a day after a group of its officers were seen beating a naked man two blocks from the palace of President Mohamed Morsi, an episode captured by television cameras and broadcast live during clashes between protesters and riot police officers.

Egypt’s Government Apologizes After a Beating Is Televised Egypt2popup

In a statement, the ministry said it regretted the beating and called it an “individual attack” that did not reflect police doctrine. The police were performing their duties “with a new spirit” of Egypt’s revolution, the ministry said, adding that the beating would be investigated with “objectivity and transparency.”

Mr. Morsi’s office also issued a statement saying it was “pained by the shocking footage.”

More than 50 people have been killed over the last 10 days during fighting in several Egyptian cities in some of the worst violence since the fall of President Hosni Mubarak almost two years ago. That uprising was set off in part by widespread anger with the ministry’s long record of police brutality.

The beating, though, provoked a different kind of outrage, crystallizing for many the collapse of order and civility that has derailed Egypt’s transition from its authoritarian past. And even if most Egyptians could agree that the beating was vile, they could agree on little else.

No apologies over that though...
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Egypt’s Government Apologizes After a Beating Is Televised

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