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 Dreamers: OZshwitz customs reforms to 'rip out' corruption

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Dreamers: OZshwitz customs reforms to 'rip out' corruption Vide
PostSubject: Dreamers: OZshwitz customs reforms to 'rip out' corruption   Dreamers: OZshwitz customs reforms to 'rip out' corruption Icon_minitimeFri Feb 01, 2013 8:10 pm

THE AUSTRALIAN Customs and Border Protection Service needs ''massive reforms'' to confront corruption and organised crime, according to the Home Affairs Minister, Jason Clare, who has also vowed that officials involved in graft will be ripped ''out by the throat''.

Dreamers: OZshwitz customs reforms to 'rip out' corruption Art353jason20clare20230

Mr Clare has also revealed he will eventually place the Australian Taxation Office and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission under the watch of a soon-to-be expanded Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity, closing a major gap in the nation's anti-corruption system.

His comments come a day after Mr Clare's customs reform panel, led by former NSW judge James Wood, had it first meeting and was briefed by the Australian Federal Police and anti-corruption boss Philip Moss on the operations of an alleged drug smuggling cell of Customs officers at Sydney airport.

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Dreamers: OZshwitz customs reforms to 'rip out' corruption

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