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 Warmongering Israhell attacks Syria-Lebanon border

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Warmongering Israhell attacks Syria-Lebanon border Vide
PostSubject: Warmongering Israhell attacks Syria-Lebanon border   Warmongering Israhell attacks Syria-Lebanon border Icon_minitimeThu Jan 31, 2013 4:26 am

Israeli forces have reportedly attacked a convoy on the Syria-Lebanon border, unnamed security sources say, as tension mounts inside Israel about the possible movement of chemical and other weapons from Syria into Lebanon.

Warmongering Israhell attacks Syria-Lebanon border 729syria620x349

The Israel Defence Force would not confirm or deny the reports. A spokeswoman said on Wednesday night: “We have no response.”

Unnamed sources who spoke to Reuters and Agence France-Presse news agencies were unable to confirm which side of the border the attack may have happened or what the convoy may have been carrying.

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Warmongering Israhell attacks Syria-Lebanon border

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