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 The Joy of Democracy: Egypt Leader Declares State of Emergency, More Than 50 People Dead

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The Joy of Democracy: Egypt Leader Declares State of Emergency, More Than 50 People Dead  Vide
PostSubject: The Joy of Democracy: Egypt Leader Declares State of Emergency, More Than 50 People Dead    The Joy of Democracy: Egypt Leader Declares State of Emergency, More Than 50 People Dead  Icon_minitimeSun Jan 27, 2013 4:46 pm

President Mohammed Morsi declared a 30-day state of emergency and curfew in the three Suez provinces hit hardest by a wave of political violence that has left more than 50 dead in three days.

Mr. Morsi vowed in a televised address on Sunday that he wouldn't hesitate to take more action to stem the latest eruption of violence across much of the country.

Mr. Morsi also invited political forces to a dialogue starting Monday to resolve the country's latest crisis.

The predominantly secular and liberal opposition has in the past declined Mr. Morsi's offers of dialogue, arguing that he must ...
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The Joy of Democracy: Egypt Leader Declares State of Emergency, More Than 50 People Dead

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