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 UK's statist idiots: Prisoners have landlines installed in their cells despite Government pledge to crackdown on perks behind bars

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UK's statist idiots: Prisoners have landlines installed in their cells despite Government pledge to crackdown on perks behind bars Vide
PostSubject: UK's statist idiots: Prisoners have landlines installed in their cells despite Government pledge to crackdown on perks behind bars   UK's statist idiots: Prisoners have landlines installed in their cells despite Government pledge to crackdown on perks behind bars Icon_minitimeSun Nov 04, 2012 4:08 am

Prisoners have been given telephones inside their cells despite ministers promising to crack down on perks behind bars.

UK's statist idiots: Prisoners have landlines installed in their cells despite Government pledge to crackdown on perks behind bars Article222754513c829f00

Convicts at a young offender institution in Kent have become the first in state-run jails to be given personal landlines that they buy credit to use at any time of day or night.

They can only ring numbers approved by the authorities and cannot receive calls on the handsets, while the cost of installing them is being covered by BT.
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UK's statist idiots: Prisoners have landlines installed in their cells despite Government pledge to crackdown on perks behind bars

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