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 Storm Sandy: inquiry into "overpricing." Hey Idiots, it's either that or queues!

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Storm Sandy: inquiry into "overpricing." Hey Idiots, it's either that or queues!  Vide
PostSubject: Storm Sandy: inquiry into "overpricing." Hey Idiots, it's either that or queues!    Storm Sandy: inquiry into "overpricing." Hey Idiots, it's either that or queues!  Icon_minitimeTue Nov 06, 2012 3:22 am

New York's attorney-general has launched an investigation into hundreds of complaints of prices being increased in the aftermath of storm Sandy.

Storm Sandy: inquiry into "overpricing." Hey Idiots, it's either that or queues!  _63942212_gasoline

Eric Schneiderman said the largest number of complaints concerned increased fuel prices, but other emergency supplies were also affected.

More than one million people in New Jersey and New York City are without power a week after the storm hit.

The cost of the city's response to the disaster has spiralled to $85.4m.

New York Comptroller John Liu said emergency contracts to repair damage included more than $30m (£18m; 23 million euros) for work on the city's beaches. A further $15m will be spent on pumping equipment and sewage plants.

Storm damage has affected preparations for Tuesday's elections, with hundreds of polling stations closed.

New Yorkers will now be able to vote at any polling station in the state, under an executive order signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo.

There are also increasing fears of potential damage from another storm with winds of up to 50mph (80km/h) due to reach coastal areas on Thursday.

But one of the most immediate tasks facing New York and New Jersey authorities is the 1.4 million homes and businesses still without power.

With temperatures set to fall to near freezing for a second consecutive night, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg appealed to the elderly and families with infants to move to a shelter.

He has announced the appointment of an experienced disaster official, Brad Gair, to oversee the city's housing crisis.

Mr Bloomberg initially put the number of people in need of longer-term emergency shelter at between 30,000 and 40,000 but on Monday he estimated the figure to be less than 10,000.

And there was some good news for the region's beleaguered public transport-users. A limited Path train service between Jersey City and Manhattan is due to resume on Tuesday morning, Port Authority officials have announced.
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Storm Sandy: inquiry into "overpricing." Hey Idiots, it's either that or queues!

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