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 Idiots: The Socialist Economist backs Obama

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Idiots: The Socialist Economist backs Obama Vide
PostSubject: Idiots: The Socialist Economist backs Obama   Idiots: The Socialist Economist backs Obama Icon_minitimeThu Nov 01, 2012 11:13 pm

The Economist, the respected weekly current affairs magazine, is backing US President Barack Obama for re-election, although with less enthusiasm than four years ago.

The London-based publication said in its leader that while the United States faced a tougher decision and a more negative campaign than in 2008, Obama's Republican rival Mitt Romney "does not fit the bill".

"This choice turns on two questions: how good a president has Mr Obama been, especially on the main issues of the economy and foreign policy? And can America really trust the ever-changing Mitt Romney to do a better job?" it said.

"On that basis, the Democrat narrowly deserves to be re-elected."

The Economist said it had backed Obama "with enthusiasm" in 2008, as did millions of voters, but that Americans will in 2012 "trudge to the polls far less hopefully".

"So (in spirit at least) will this London-based newspaper. Having endured a miserably negative campaign, the world's most powerful country now has a much more difficult decision to make than it faced four years ago," it said.

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