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 Statist idiots: Conservative OZschwitz judges stormed out of a dinner which featured a sexually explicit comedy act

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Statist idiots: Conservative OZschwitz judges stormed out of a dinner which featured a sexually explicit comedy act Vide
PostSubject: Statist idiots: Conservative OZschwitz judges stormed out of a dinner which featured a sexually explicit comedy act   Statist idiots: Conservative OZschwitz judges stormed out of a dinner which featured a sexually explicit comedy act Icon_minitimeSat Oct 20, 2012 6:14 pm

The Chief Justice of the Family Court, Diana Bryant, has been forced to apologise to some of Australia's most senior judges after they stormed out of a dinner hosted by her which featured a sexually explicit comedy act.

Statist idiots: Conservative OZschwitz judges stormed out of a dinner which featured a sexually explicit comedy act Art353diana20bryant300x

Australia's Chief Justice of the High Court, Robert French, and his wife left the room in disgust after becoming offended by a comedy routine performed at a National Family Law Conference banquet in Hobart last Sunday.

The Sun-Herald understands the female comics acted out a sexually explicit sketch while wearing judicial robes and that when Justice French stood to leave, he was joined by many others throughout the room, including the NSW Supreme Court Chief Justice, Tom Bathurst, and his wife, as well as the Family Court judges Mark Le Poer Trench and Margaret Cleary.

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Statist idiots: Conservative OZschwitz judges stormed out of a dinner which featured a sexually explicit comedy act

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