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 Idiots: Twitter blocks neo-Nazi account because German govt asked them to

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Idiots: Twitter blocks neo-Nazi account because German govt asked them to Vide
PostSubject: Idiots: Twitter blocks neo-Nazi account because German govt asked them to   Idiots: Twitter blocks neo-Nazi account because German govt asked them to Icon_minitimeThu Oct 18, 2012 10:42 pm

Micro-blogging site Twitter said Thursday it had blocked a neo-Nazi group's account at the request of German police in what it called a global first for the company.

In a move pitting censorship concerns against national laws on hate speech, Twitter said it had deployed the tool developed this year to comply with the request by the German authorities.

"We announced the ability to withhold content back in Jan (January)," Twitter's chief lawyer Alex Macgillivray said in a tweet posted on the website.

"We're using it now for the first time re: a group deemed illegal in Germany."

Twitter's spokesman in Germany, Dirk Hensen, confirmed the decision in an email to AFP.

In a separate tweet, Macgillivray posted a link to a letter from the police in the northern German state of Lower Saxony asking Twitter to block the account of Besseres Hannover, a far-right outfit which was outlawed last month.

The account is still visible on Twitter with the handle @hannoverticker and calling itself "Das nationale Informationsportal aus Hannover" (The national information portal from Hanover).

But no message since the date of the ban, September 25, is visible in Germany, and the group's website has also been blocked or deleted.

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Idiots: Twitter blocks neo-Nazi account because German govt asked them to

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