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 Idiots in science: OZschwitz researchers want to rewrite Big Bang theory

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Idiots in science: OZschwitz researchers want to rewrite Big Bang theory Vide
PostSubject: Idiots in science: OZschwitz researchers want to rewrite Big Bang theory   Idiots in science: OZschwitz researchers want to rewrite Big Bang theory Icon_minitimeTue Aug 21, 2012 1:24 am

Melbourne researchers believe they may be on the brink of rewriting the history of the universe.

Idiots in science: OZschwitz researchers want to rewrite Big Bang theory 729bang620x349

A paper being published in a US physics journal suggests it may be possible to view "cracks" in the universe that would support the theory of quantum graphity - considered to be the holy grail of physics.

The team of researchers from the University of Melbourne and RMIT say that, instead of thinking of the start of the universe as being a big bang, we should imagine it as a cooling of water into ice.

"Think of the early universe as being like a liquid," Melbourne University theoretical physics researcher James Quach said.

"Then as the universe cools, it 'crystalises'.

"The reason we use the water analogy is water is without form.

"In the beginning there wasn't even space, space did not exist because there was no form."

Their research rests on a school of thought that has emerged recently to suggest space is made of indivisible building blocks, such as atoms, that can be thought of as similar to pixels that make up images on a computer screen.

Mr Quach said the standing model for the origins of the universe, the big bang, needed to be rewritten.

He hoped experimentalists would be able to find evidence to support the theory put forward by the Melbourne team of researchers, that would replace it.

"The biggest problem with the big bang model is the bang itself," Mr Quach said.

"At the bang, physics breaks down.

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