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 OZschwitz idiots: 24 years, $1m cost for FOI request

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz idiots: 24 years, $1m cost for FOI request Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz idiots: 24 years, $1m cost for FOI request   OZschwitz idiots: 24 years, $1m cost for FOI request Icon_minitimeMon Aug 20, 2012 4:10 am

A government agency has claimed that a freedom of information request will take more than 24 years to process and could cost nearly $1 million.

OZschwitz idiots: 24 years, $1m cost for FOI request Ltmagnifyingglassart620

In evidence tendered to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, CenITex, the state government's centre for information technology excellence, says it cannot easily search its email archive and must spend tens of thousands of dollars purchasing new equipment to retrieve and restore emails from an external company.

The evidence was in response to two FOI requests from The Age regarding complaints about CenITex contractors, the electronic diaries of key executives, customer feedback results and CenITex's gift and hospitality register.

The statements of two CenITex staff showed the process - which it says would involve reading and checking 1,521,166 emails sent during a 22-month timeframe - could take, as a conservative estimate, 24 years and cost up to $970,252. The Age argued its request for emails about complaints could be narrowed to the complaints process and it did not require a check of all 1,521,166 emails.

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OZschwitz idiots: 24 years, $1m cost for FOI request

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