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 OZschwitz: Cop who became a killer

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz: Cop who became a killer Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz: Cop who became a killer   OZschwitz: Cop who became a killer Icon_minitimeWed May 19, 2010 4:40 am

IT WAS the murder trial likened by the defence to a soap opera. Des Campbell was cast in all the villains' roles: liar, swindler, womaniser, gold-digger, a cold-hearted killer who pushed his wife off a cliff.

And the twist was that he was once a police detective.

The Supreme Court jury that found Campbell guilty yesterday of murdering his wife, Janet, was not told of his nine years in the Victoria Police. He left the force in 1994 with a series of disciplinary matters looming and having just been handed a suspended two-month jail term for assault.
Guilty of murder ... Des Campbell after his conviction yesterday.

Accused of fraud and perjury over an insurance scam, he was acquitted at trial. But he later confessed to wide-scale corruption, telling a Melbourne newspaper his police service was ''one long, endless rollercoaster of lies, fabrication of evidence, perjury, stealing and scams".

"I was just scum," he said. "I became like the people I was arresting."

Campbell moved to England and served three years with the Surrey police, resigning after a woman he met during a domestic violence investigation accused him of sexual assault.

Returning to Australia, the policeman became a paramedic and, while stationed in Deniliquin, met a well-off widow, Janet Fisicaro.

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