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 OZschwitz slave pen: Guilty until proven innocent -- Law targets cashed-up 'criminals'

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

OZschwitz slave pen: Guilty until proven innocent -- Law targets cashed-up 'criminals' Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz slave pen: Guilty until proven innocent -- Law targets cashed-up 'criminals'   OZschwitz slave pen: Guilty until proven innocent -- Law targets cashed-up 'criminals' Icon_minitimeWed May 19, 2010 4:42 am

THE cash, flash cars and mansions of organised criminals could be confiscated without the state government needing to prove their illegal activity, under proposed legislation.

In a step forward for comprehensive federal, state and territory organised crime powers, the NSW government has announced it will mirror a federal law that targets unexplained wealth.

The new state legislation, expected to be introduced into Parliament this year, will require organised criminals to provide evidence of how they earned their wealth. This is at odds with existing legislation, which requires the government to prove wealth is the result of a specific criminal act.

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OZschwitz slave pen: Guilty until proven innocent -- Law targets cashed-up 'criminals'

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