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 Ex-Marine gunned down neighbor whose puppy peed on award-winning lawn

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Ex-Marine gunned down neighbor whose puppy peed on award-winning lawn Vide
PostSubject: Ex-Marine gunned down neighbor whose puppy peed on award-winning lawn   Ex-Marine gunned down neighbor whose puppy peed on award-winning lawn Icon_minitimeThu May 13, 2010 3:46 am

A retired former US Marine is being held on a $US3 million ($3.4 million) bond, accused of gunning down a neighbour whose puppy allegedly urinated on the man's well-manicured grass.

Charles Clements, 69, of University Park routinely wins the Chicago suburb's beautification and lawn upkeep award but is also known for threatening children or adults who dare set foot in his yard, neighbours said.

On Sunday night, Joshua Funches, a 23-year-old father of two, was walking his fox terrier Gucci when the dog lifted its leg and urinated on Mr Clements's lawn, said Mr Funches's mother, Patricia, 53.

The two men began arguing and, at some point, Mr Clements, a retired bus driver, pulled out a pistol and pointed it at Mr Funches, said Will County assistant state's attorney Sondra Denmark.

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Ex-Marine gunned down neighbor whose puppy peed on award-winning lawn

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